Health Center for Better Living优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-19
英语四级翻译预测词汇以及篇章环境类话题重点词exhaust 尾气sewage 污水forestation 植树造林air pollution 空气污染emission 散发;排放pollutant 污染物质energy-saving and emission-reduction 节能减排low-carbon lifestyle 低碳生活hazardous material 有害物质garbage classification 垃圾分类a feasible solution 可行的解决方法environmental degradation 环境恶化drinking water 饮用水conductive to good health 有益健康的remedial measure 补救性措施核心句✔ 这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要污染源,包括500万辆机动车的尾气(exhaust)排放、周边地区燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的建筑灰尘

This newly announced project aims at reducing four main pollutants,which include exhaust from 5 million motor vehicles,coal burning in surrounding areas,sandstorms from the north and local construction dust.✔ 另有850亿元用于新建或升级城市垃圾处理和污水(sewage)处理设施,加上300亿元投资未来三年的植树造林(forestation)

Another 85 billion yuan will be used to establish or up-grade facilities of city garbage disposal and sewage disposal,in addition to 30 billion yuan's investment in afforestation in next 3 years.篇章✔ 空气污染是中国当前面临的一个严重的环境问题

2012年以来,北京、上海、重庆、香港等多个城市被雾霾笼罩,在2013年的最后几个月中,东部地区也受大雾天气影响,多地能见度不到100米, 空气污染指数一度达到了危险级别




Air pollution is a severe environmental problem that China is confronted with currently. Since 2012, smog hangs heavy over cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Hong Kong. During the last few months in 2013, the eastern part of China was also hit by the heavy smog with a dropped visibility of less than 100 meters in some regions, where air pollution reached the hazardous levels. Smog has great impact on people’s health and the local economy. Of particular concern is PM2.5. The root cause of the smog is the acceleration of the industrialization, while the accompanied extreme low temperature and regional pollution also contribute to the worse pollution.文化类话题重点词be listed as 被列为……historical sites 历史遗迹World Cultural Heritage 世界文化遗产excavate 发掘;挖掘feudal empire 封建帝国harmony 协调;和睦;融洽reverence 尊敬;尊崇celebrated 著名的;有名望的celebrity 名人;明星dynasty 朝代;王朝preserve 保存;维护profound 寓意深远的;深厚的flourish 繁荣/兴旺reflect 反映typical 典型的artistic 艺术的treasure 财富,瑰宝handicraft 手工艺;手工艺品delicate 精美的;雅致的valuable 有价值的inherit 传承核心句✔ 木雕是中国传统的艺术形式


Wood carving is a traditional Chinese art form. As early as 6000 years ago, the Chinese already used wood carving to decorate buildings.✔ 到了明清时期,中国小说发展完全成熟,大量的短篇故事和小说不断涌现出来

Ming and Qing Dynasty was the time when Chinese fiction became fully mature, and a wealth of short stories and novels continuously emerged.篇章✔ 红色,特别是大红色,自古以来是中国人最钟情的颜色

中国人喜欢红色的习俗源于祖先对火的崇拜, 因为火给他们带来了温暖和安全





Red, especially bright red, is the favourite color of Chinese people from ancient times. Red loving customs can be traced back to the ancient worship of fire, which always shelters people with warmth and safety. Today,Chinese red embraces many different meanings. It is a symbol of blessing, good fortune, joy and enthusiasm and so on. In every Spring Festival, eldest people give red envelope to the young, so as to show their blessings of New Year to the young ones. Besides, every Chinese household enjoys pasting red couplets on both sides of the gate and hanging lanterns to welcome the New Year. In Chinese traditional wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom tend to wear in bright red to celebrate the most important day of their life. To some extent, it is the Chinese red that symbolizes Chinese people’s personality.经济类话题重点词escalation 逐步上升;增加commodity 商品globalizing process 全球化进程workforce 劳动力sustainable development 可持续发展pillar industry 支柱产业reputation 声誉;名望transaction 交易commerce 商业;贸易express 快递;捷运公司;vt.表达;快递after-sales service 售后服务online payments 在线支付commercial model 商业模式physical shop 实体店核心句✔ 随着交通和交流的改善,在20世纪初以后,国际贸易得到快速发展

With improvements in transportation and communication, international business grew rapidly after the beginning of the 20th century.✔旅游业的蓬勃发展创造了更多的就业机会


The booming tourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have said good-bye to poverty through involvement in tourist business.篇章✔旅游业是全世界最大,增长速度最快的行业






Tourism is the world’s largest and fastest growing industry. According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world’s workforce. By the year 2010, these numbers will be doubled. Obviously, tourism’s actual and potential economic impact is astounding. For example, throughout China a great many hotels and restaurants have been constructed to satisfy all levels of requirement and now 9,751 hotels have been established with star ratings. All large or medium-sized cities and scenic spots have hotels with complete facilities and services for both domestic and international visitors.社会类热点话题重点词decline 谢绝;下降;衰落severe 严峻的;严重的social security system 社保系统birth rates 出生率buzzword 流行词emphasize 强调remarkable 显著的;非凡的overnight 一夜之间的enterpreneurship 创业;企业家精神pioneer 先锋;vt.开辟initial fund 启动资金migrant worker 农民工house registration 户籍核心句✔ 通常,这些学校没有好的教学楼,缺乏合格的老师,但是对于那些农民工家庭来说,这是唯一的选择

Generally, these schools are of poor teaching building and lack certified teachers, but migrant families have no other options.✔ 不仅仅只有记者,任何人都可以在微博网站上,对周围所发生的事情,进行拍照或用视频记录下来,并在网站上分享

In micro-blogging site,anyone - not just journalists - can take a photo or record a video about what is happening around them and share it on the platform.篇章✔ 手机是我们生活不可或缺的一部分





Cell phones are an integral part of our life today. The convenience of this little gadget is what makes it the world’s fastest growing technological device, going from a luxury in the 1980s to a must-have in the 21st century. But we have become dependent on them to the point that we feel that we cannot live without them. We get so addicted to texting, calling and communicating with those who are far away that we neglect the ones who are right in front of us. Many teens and young adults grow distant from those who love them because they are consumed with creating and maintaining cyber friendships.教育类话题重点词fervor 热潮course 课程;讲座institute 学院;学会boom 繁荣;兴旺international student 留学生offer the course 开设课程Civil Servants Examinations 公务员考试advanced 先进的,高级的beneficial 有益的immerse in 沉浸于/全神贯注于……核心句✔ 许多大学生,甚至中学生都选择出国深造;在所有国家中,欧美国家成为了留学首选

Lots of Chinese college students and even high school students choose to study abroad for their further development, and Europe and America become their first choice among all target countries.✔ 近年来中美间经济合作不断深入,在美国,人们学习汉语学习的热情也不断高涨

Interest in learning Chinese has surged in the past decades as American economic ties to China have been strengthened.篇章✔ 受过良好教育的大学生对任何国家来说都是一笔财富

遗憾的是,人才外流(brain drain)给许多发展中国家带来了问题



如果中国希望吸引人才,留住人才,就必须加强知识产权保护(the intellectually property rights)并鼓励创新

The well-educated university graduates are a treasure to every country. It is a pity that the brain drain of the talented has caused problems in many developing countries, where professionals and the talented individuals with fresh thinking that creates value are badly needed to boost the development of industry and economy. While China nowadays has the largest labor pool, it also suffers from the brain drain more than any other country. If China wants to attract retain as well as retain those talents, it must enhance the intellectually property rights protection and encourage innovation.科技类话题重点词innovation 创新AI – artificial intelligence 人工智能online trading platform 网上交易平台interface 界面e-business; e-commerce 电子商务informationization 信息化research results 研究成果industrial park 工业园区advanced science 尖端科学scientific invention 科学发明earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变energy crisis 能源危机milestone 里程碑usher in 引领unprecedented 前所未有的optimize 优化核心句✔ 现如今,无论你走到哪,你都会发现年轻人在玩手机,他们的眼睛一刻也不离手机屏幕

Nowadays, no matter where you go, you will find the young people using cell phone with their eyes fixing on the screen.✔ 随着高科技的快速发展,各种电子产品已经开始深入人们的生活

With the development of high technology, a variety of electronic devices have permeated into people’s life.篇章✔ 如今,微博越来越受到人们的关注




Nowadays, the growing concern over microblog has been bought into focus. It has been riding the wave of social network’s popularity in China and has more than 100 million customers since its launch less than two years ago. More and more young people express their feelings and record their life through the microblog. Obviously, it has become an important part of life. In addition of offering a window for trustworthy, timely news and public debate, the biggest impact of the microblog is that it rapidly spreads messages that would have been submerged, like events involving social injustice.人物描述类话题重点词celebrated 著名的;有名望的celebrity 名人;明星literary 文学的literature 文学preserve 保存;维护inspiration 灵感;鼓舞profound 寓意深远的;深厚的produce 生产;创作;n. 产品masterpiece 杰作flourishing 繁荣的;盛行的be regarded / viewed / seen as 被认为;被看作have impact on 对……有影响核心句✔ 李白是中国唐代著名诗人之一,与杜甫一起,被誉为中国文学史上最伟大的诗人

Li Bai was one of the celebrated poets in Tang Dynasty, China. He was often regarded, along with Du Fu, as the greatest poets in China’s literary history.✔ 不屈不挠的斗争精神和始终不渝的爱国热情,是屈原思想与性格中最辉煌的地方,他的作品是他一生斗争的实录

Qu Yuan's unswerving spirit of fortitude and patriotism shined through his entire life and was embodied in his literary works.篇章✔ 孔子(Confucius)被视为中国历史上最具影响力的人物之一





Confucius is recognized as one of the most influential figures in Chinese history. He was the first to devote all his life to teaching and made great contributions to education in ancient China. In his career as a teacher, Confucius broke with the tradition of education only for the upper class by accepting students from all sorts of backgrounds. He advocated equality between teacher and student and encouraged students to form opinions of their own. In addition, his idea of teaching according to the student’s aptitude is still regarded as an important educational principle in China today.事物描述类话题重点词astounding 令人震惊的get rid of 逃脱;摆脱take pleasure in 乐于;喜欢;领略风光cultural connotations 文化意蕴;文化内涵interaction 互动;相互作用interpret 解释;说明emphasize 强调remarkable 显著的;非凡的pursuit 追求competitive 竞争的;有竞争力的stable 稳定的acquire 获得be exposed to 接触核心句✔ 京剧在中国已有200年的历史,随着时间演变,还融入了很多其他地方戏剧的元素

Peking Opera has a 200-year-long history. Over time, elements from many other local operas were incorporated.✔ 黄河被誉为中国的母亲河,全长约5464千米,是中国第二,世界第五长的河流

The Yellow River is known as Chinese Mother River. With a total length of 5,464 kilometers, it is the second longest river in China and the fifth longest in the world.篇章✔ 西安是中国最古老的城市之一,它的建城史已有3100多年



Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in China, with a history of more than 3,100 years. During the period of the Han and Tang dynasties, as China's political, economic, cultural and foreign exchange center, Xi'an was the earliest international metropolis whose population is more than millions. This eternal city is a living history book which records all the significant changes of the country. The cultural and historical significance of the area, as well as the abundant relics, help Xian enjoy the laudatory title of 'Natural History Museum'.英英语学习
标签: 教育 餐厅
