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【推荐书目】Before Sunrise & BSunset

Health Center for Better Living优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-19





我是在英国书店网站“Book Depository”买的,包邮

默念这样的台词…有趣、思辨、开阔…💛Celine:Supposedly men lost their ability to hear higher-pitched sounds and women eventually lost hearing on the low end. I guess they sort of nullify each other or something.Jesse: Must be nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together and not kill each other, I guess.💙You spend all this time trying to reach your destination, you get there, you look around, it's never exactly what you'd hoped, you head off somewhere else, and hope for something better.💜I always knew when they were lying to me.💚All their typical ambitions sounded so mediocre.💗Yeah,it's like seeing yourself from a third-person perspective. I always feel like I'm observing my life instead of living it.💛People think love is this unselfish or totally giving thing. But if you think about it, there's probably nothing more selfish.(That's not love, but pretending love.笔者评)我的私藏书单我的睡前书单好书推荐
